06 May 2007


I have written about the facilities at Beverly Hills rhinoplasty before - the reason is that this is one of the world's most reputable and most popular centres for this delicate procedure to be carried out. If you have been thinking about having nose surgery these are the people who can help. Their our offices and surgery center are on Rodeo Drive - the world capital of fashion and style - because this exclusive street represents the pinnacle of taste and service. As the only plastic surgery center on the world's most glamorous boulevard, they claim to bring these same standards to your rhinoplasty care. The staff at the centre work to provide the best possible surgery in a setting that embodies the standards and lifestyle you seek. This means attention to your individual needs before, during, and after your rhinoplasty. These beautiful offices are designed to afford you maximum comfort. But rest assured that the surgical facilities are built and run at the uppermost standards, to ensure the highest level of safety for you.



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