03 April 2006

Part 2 - Our Internet Business

So after coffee we came back to the seminar and started to hear how to identify a niche market. What problems are people asking about in online groups and chat rooms? Are they getting the answers they want? Track supply and demand – how many asking on search engines and Overture, and what sites show up in response? Are they supplying a solution to the problem? Use Wordtracker for this to show the words people are typing, and how many webistes are competing.
By now John is a believer! This seminar is full of meaty information, and we were scribbling away like mad. Our brains were like sponges, soaking up knowledge. I can see how our plug-in profits site can succeed. Lunch was good, as we were so energised and this was the only time we wanted to leave the seminar. Back on time, though, as there is a prize draw at the start of the afternoon.


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